Monday, January 18, 2010

Comics in the Classroom

Let's face it, the easiest way to understand something is through a visual aid. And kids love visual aids. Sure, they could read a text book or listen to a lecture, but a visual aid that captivates them, makes them laugh or even confuses them helps them to take that first step into figuring out what they are going to dive into next. Like the opening lines of an essay paper, comics are a great way to jump into a new subject. They provide a background, a fact, a lie and a smile. They force you to re-read them or to think about what they are poking fun at. I think they are great resources in starting a conversation about an important subject.

And I was going to post my Domo Animate thing on here, but have failed twice to save it. Each time I have had to remake it and save it. That's it. I'm done with that thing. I'm gonna just publish this without it and either try next time I get to it or not make one at all. I loved how easy it was to use it, but to publish it is just pure terror.

1 comment:

  1. Did you sign up for a free account? If you do then you can get the url for the comic. If you did sign up and sign in then I am not sure what you did so that it would not save. But I am glad that you did try this application.
